As more and more adults and children are undergoing orthodontic treatment near Narre Warren to correct a wide variety of tooth problems, specialist orthodontists or general dentists that fit braces near Narre Warren are certainly in demand. While not so many years ago, braces near Narre Warren used to be all metal, nowadays there are a wide variety of brace systems to choose from. So, if you are visiting us for orthodontic treatment near Narre Warren, which braces are best for you? Let’s take a closer look at some of the more common types to help you decide.

Conventional metal braces near Narre Warren

Metal braces near Narre Warren used to be synonymous with the term "metal mouth", but fortunately, anyone seeking braces near Narre Warren will discover that they are far less visible. Sure, they still consist of brackets that are anchored onto the teeth and wiring that is threaded through, but the wiring is much thinner. In addition, heat-activated arch wiring has the ability to move teeth faster and with less discomfort, and it can treat a wide variety of mild to moderate dental problems. In terms of cost, they’re one of the cheaper types available and would suit those who just want straighter teeth on a budget.

Ceramic Braces near Narre Warren

These are very similar to metal braces in the way that they look, but they are a little bulkier. However, because this particular type of orthodontic treatment uses clear ceramic brackets and tooth-coloured wiring, this isn’t so much of a problem because they offer a more discreet look. Typically, there is no difference in terms of effectiveness between ceramic and metal braces, so they too can treat a wide variety of problems. However, when you visit an orthodontist or a general dentist who fits braces near Narre Warren, you can expect to pay more than you would for conventional metal appliances.

Lingual Braces near Narre Warren

When you speak to a general dentist or an orthodontist, they might recommend lingual braces near Narre Warren. These are similar in style to metal braces with brackets and arch wires, except this time they’re attached to the back of the teeth. They move the teeth in the same way and are again used to fix a wide variety of dental issues; however, this time the braces are hidden from view. Lingual braces can take a little getting used to, particularly at first, but if you’re after discretion, then this may be a small price to pay. Speaking of prices to pay, lingual braces near Narre Warren are one of the most expensive tooth brace systems on the market.

Finally, Invisalign Aligners

For those who want complete discretion, they might want to consider Invisalign aligners. As the name suggests, this type of Narre Warren orthodontic treatment is virtually invisible as it uses not just one but a whole series of removable, clear plastic aligners. Designed to be worn over the teeth like an invisible gum shield, they’re replaced every two weeks to keep the teeth moving in the desired direction. By doing away with brackets and wiring altogether, Invisalign braces near Narre Warren are ideal for those who consider discretion a top priority. Designed to correct a number of mild to moderate dental problems, they are usually more expensive than metal braces near Narre Warren but often cheaper than lingual braces.

So, there you have it—the popular types of orthodontic treatment near Narre Warren explained. Don’t forget to talk to your orthodontist or general dentist about the right tooth braces for you. Remember, the team at Supreme Dental Cranbourne is here to help you achieve a great-looking smile, so give us a call today on (03) 5995 3819.

Health Fund Preferred Providers

We accept all major health insurance with our HICAPS facility and are proud to be a preferred provider for Medibank, NIB, HCF'

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We accept all insurance and we are preferred providers of Medibank Private, HCF, NIB.

Along with insurance, we accept Cash, Credit Cards (Amex not accepted) & Dental Health Insurance Cards. We also accept and process vouchers under their Medicare Card (Children Dental Benefit Scheme), Department of Veteran Affairs Cards and Victorian Emergency & Victorian General Dental Scheme managed by the Monash Health (Dental Services).

Supreme Dental Cranbourne is conveniently located at 1 Scarborough Avenue, Cranbourne West and we have car park directly inside the business premises compound.

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