If you have lost or missing teeth you will probably want to know more about dental bridge vs implant and how each course of treatment can benefit you. Implants and dental bridges are the go-to solution for the replacement of missing teeth and our friendly team at Dental Cranbourne would be more than happy to talk you through the pros and cons of each option. Let’s take a look at some of the scenarios that could inform which is best for you.
Let’s take a closer look at the factors you might consider when choosing a treatment option:
Cost is a crucial factor in making a decision. Today a dental implant is probably favoured more by dentists around the world because of its permanence, but not everyone can afford the technology. Of course if you have two or three missing teeth the cost of dental implants will be proportionally higher.
Not every patient is a candidate for dental implants and for some this may not even be a viable option. Some patients may not have enough bone to support implants and may require other procedures like a bone graft or sinus lift before it can be performed. These additional procedures increase the overall cost of the implant. Some patients may not be eligible for bone grafting at all and may need to look at a dental bridge instead.
One of the biggest advantages a bridge has over implants is the time it takes for the procedure to be completed. A dental bridge can be completed in as few as two sessions, whereas an implant site can take considerably longer to heal. Implants may take three to six months before the newly implanted metal root can fuse to your natural bone. There are cases where the implant can be positioned after a tooth has been extracted but most dentists will use a temporary restoration instead.
When it comes to looks, dental implants and bridges compete more closely with one another. A well made ceramic bridge can look as good as dental implants and sometimes your dentist may want to recommend a porcelain bridge rather than an implant as he will be able to adopt a more customised approach to minimising the gaps between your teeth.
When it comes to the effect of your tooth replacement solution on the other teeth in your mouth, dental implants do have the upper hand. Using dental implants maintains your natural teeth and ensures they do not need to be prepared for the procedure. By comparison a dental bridge needs the surrounding teeth to act as its support structure. If the bridge does not fit your mouth properly, it may rub against your natural teeth and cause degradation. Once the bridge has been completed your natural teeth will be underneath it, and your mouth may be more prone to gum disease and decay.
Dental implants are much simpler for you to manage because they need to be brushed and flossed the same way as your natural teeth. When you’ve had a bridge put in, at least three teeth will be connected to compensate for your missing teeth, maybe more. This makes it more challenging to brush and floss effectively, and you will need to take special care to ensure you do a good job.
Dental implants are usually expected to last a lifetime with good care because they are made out of titanium. A dental bridge is usually only expected to last for around 10 years. Still need answers? Contact Supreme Dental Cranbourne today and let one of our friendly dentists guide you through this life-changing decision.
Not everyone is blessed with a straight set of teeth. In fact, most people have one or two teeth that are a little crooked. For most of us, the aesthetics of crooked teeth and the quest of a perfect smile are what send us to the dentist’s chair in need of some help, but there are practical and medical benefits to straightening your smile out too. Even if you’ve passed adolescence and you’re questioning the necessity of straightening your teeth as an adult, there are many pay-offs to the process. Let’s go beyond the mirror and take a look at the major benefits of teeth straightening.
The appearance of our teeth is genetic and it’s possible that one of your parents has passed their less-than-perfect teeth onto you. Or, you may have started life out with straight teeth but knocked your teeth out of alignment due to a trauma in the mouth when you were younger. Whatever the reason, teeth straightening is essential for your dental health.
Crooked or misaligned teeth can be a cause of embarrassment for many people and straightening your smile can make you look – and feel – like a different person. On a social level people often say they feel they are judged unfairly if they have imperfect teeth. Younger children may be teased by their friends at school and adults who haven’t corrected their crooked teeth may feel they cant laugh or smile authentically or try to smile through closed lips). You may choose to look miserable in family photos – or avoid them altogether because you’re unhappy with the way your teeth look. Adolescents may struggle more with the social element but there are plenty of adults out there who have hang-ups about their appearance and people’s perception of them because of their teeth. Confidence is essential for a happy life and it has to do with a lot more than just looks. More confident people are more assertive and more likely to pursue their goals and dreams in life. When you feel as though you want to hide away from the world you may do the same with your hopes and dreams. A consultation with your friendly dentist from Supreme Dental Cranbourne will explore the various straightening options at your disposal, and which could work best for you.
Misaligned teeth are more difficult to clean and floss than straight teeth as there are more areas you can’t reach or see with your toothbrush. If crooked teeth are not dealt with they can create further complications and increase your chances of dental decay. If left untreated dental decay can lead to periodontal disease, which can ultimately result in tooth loss. Straightening your crooked teeth will keep your teeth and gums much healthier. Healthy teeth and gums are essential for a healthy body. Poor dental hygiene, sites of tooth decay have been linked to other forms of disease in the body, including heart disease.
When you have what is known as a crowded bite, your teeth may be worn down prematurely. The structure of the jaw allows for all teeth to be accommodated, but only when they are straight. When they are misaligned and crowd the mouth, they can rub against one another causing wear and tear. This can cause pain and discomfort, and also weaken your teeth. Teeth that crowd the mouth are also more susceptible to fracturing. Fracturing occurs quite frequently on front teeth that protrude from the jaw. One of the primary objectives of dentistry is to preserve teeth so they last as long as possible. Straight teeth are stronger teeth that can support your lifestyle for as long as you live.
Patients who have misaligned teeth and severe over or under-bites may be more likely to experience sleep problems and sleep apnoea. If your teeth are crooked and you are experiencing sleep problems, undergoing teeth straightening would be a major benefit. A lot of people grind their teeth in their sleep and even when your teeth are straight, this causes the surface of your teeth to wear down. When you grind crooked teeth causes significantly more damage and can result in further complications.
It is also common for crowded teeth to be sensitive to very hot and cold temperatures when they are under a lot of pressure. This can cause a great deal of discomfort when eating and drinking. It may even make your dental hygiene routine less comfortable.
Our teeth are designed to perform a function. We need them to chew and eat to stay alive. When your teeth are straight, it is easier and more comfortable to chew your food. When you have crooked teeth there may be certain types of food that you avoid; either because you can’t or because it hurts you to do so. When your teeth are straight no food is off-limits. Eating those nuts or biting into the side of an apple should be a pleasure to enjoy.
If you play sport or are a very active person, having crooked teeth can be very dangerous. It’s much easier for two front teeth to be knocked out if they protrude, than if they fit comfortably into the mouth. Of course, any trauma done to a tooth in a crowded mouth can cause further damage to the other teeth in the mouth. In summary straightening your teeth presents a wide array of benefits. You can face the world with more confidence in yourself, without fear of judgement from others. You can protect your mouth against the added risk of tooth decay, improve tooth sensitivity and enjoy more freedom when eating. Our friendly Supreme Dental Cranbourne dentists will answer your questions and concerns about teeth straightening and advise you on the various treatment options available. Contact us today at (03) 5995 3819.
When you have teeth that are missing, it can create challenges in while you speak and while you eat, never mind the role it plays in diminishing your confidence and how you sail through this world. If your smile is fragmented and in need of an upgrade, dental implants might just be the solution you are looking for. When it comes to dental implants, to be considered for treatment, you have to have ample tissue in your jawbone, enough to support the implant posts. A common side effect when you have experienced tooth loss, is the recession of your bone. To help existing bone while encouraging new growth, we may endorse bone grafting for dental implants. When you consider a bone graft, it can improve the health of your smile, the aesthetic of your mouth and it ensures you stay a great candidate for implant posts.
Restoring and maintaining facial bone structure is important for several reasons. In the case of dental implants, we require the bone be as close to its original dimension and position as possible, to achieve the greatest results. In a percentage of clients we see, the lack of bone leaves them without enough healthy bone to secure a dental implant. In these cases, there are treatments that can aid in this journey. • Above the back teeth in the upper jaw, there are ways to increase the bone height, by generating new bone in the sinus. We refer to this procedure as a sinus augmentation. When a highly experienced surgeon works on this procedure, the outcome is a quality, predictable, beautiful result. Without this procedure, many patients wouldn’t be able to keep or retain a dental implant because this part of the mouth is a common place for missing teeth. • While there are numerous ways where additional bone can be incorporated, one straightforward approach is to retrieve a piece of bone from elsewhere, securing it to an impaired area, as an onlay graft. The new piece of bone will eventually connect to the foundation and when given enough time and when it’s healed and developed, it can support a dental implant in a more favorable position.
A skilled dentist can harvest bone from any number of additional sources but typically it’s taken from the lower jaw or from the chin. There are also times when the shinbone or the hip could be considered. When we use your original bone to create new ones in a different area of your mouth, there’s going to be a recovery period in both the donor site and the spot where surgery occurred. Because your own bone is typically thought of as the “gold standard”, many clients choose the temporary discomfort over the long term benefits.
There are other options for you and your dentist to consider. With today’s medical advances, we can harvest bone from a bovine (cow), porcine (pig) or it can be created from synthetic materials which have been prepared with human safety top of mind. Regardless of which route you end up pursuing, all that’s happening is the bone graft is providing a structure into which the new bone will cultivate, ensuring it’s ready to receive and accept a dental implant when the time is right. It can take anywhere from a few months to a year for new bone to be mature enough to receive a dental implant. This is not an immediate fix so don’t be impatient, wanting to move along to the next chapter. Depending on the volume of bone you need it could take awhile to develop, delaying your dental implant for a short time. Many surgeons also use another extraneous procedure called guided tissue regeneration. With this procedure, slow-moving bone cells are provided a barrier between the fast moving soft tissue cells. This gives them time to fill a space. This is a resorbable barrier which will naturally fade after a few months.
If you require bone grafting for dental implants, invariably it will increase your treatment time. Nonetheless, when executed properly, it will ultimately improve the overall outcome. Bone grafting does require a substantially higher amplitude of skill to perform and it’s often more an elaborate procedure than the relatively simple placement of a dental implant. In certain situations, we will recommend combing the 2 procedures; the dental implant placement with bone grafting along with the placement of a barrier membrane. This reduces the treatment time considerably and it produces an end result that couldn’t be achieved otherwise. Depending on your specific and unique characteristics, we may recommend bone grafting as one distinct stage, before moving on to the actual dental implant placement. In the end, whatever method or procedure your dentist recommends to improve the bone quality… the time, effort and expense is generally well worth your while. Our friendly Supreme Dental Cranbourne dentists will answer your questions and concerns. Contact us today at (03) 5995 3819.
They say the most beautiful eyes are those that see the beauty in others. With a straight, healthy, aligned smile… beauty is all they will see. When you have a healthy, straight, optimal smile, you aren’t afraid to show it off. You look better, you feel better and you are perceived better by the world. Thanks braces. Straightening your teeth has obvious benefits in terms of aesthetics and cosmetic upgrades. What most people don’t know is a crooked smile can lead to an unhealthy mouth and unhealthy body. Our entire bodies are connected and when teeth are crooked it can lead to gum disease, decay, tooth loss and other issues. These can all come together to takes a toll on your overall health. A healthy set of teeth can improve your breathing, your sleeping and the overall quality of your life. Braces will improve your bite. A bad bite (technically called a malocclusion) puts extreme pressure on your teeth, causing chips, cracks and breaks. We are going to break down how do braces work and give you the information you need to feel secure and empowered if you’re thinking of delving into the world of braces.
Don’t be fooled by the tiny size of braces. They may be small but they are made up of a lot of parts, all designed to straighten and improve your smile. Here’s a brief overview of the specific parts of braces and how they all connect to guide your teeth into their ideal position. BRACKETS: These are the tiny ceramic or metal links that are glued onto each of your teeth. ARCH WIRE: This long, thin piece of wire is attached to orthodontic bands and applied around the dental arch to control and force tooth movement. BONDING MATERIAL: This is in essence, the mouth-friendly glue linking your individual teeth to each bracket. LIGATURE ELASTIC: Also referred to as an O-ring, these are the most well-known parts of braces. They are also the parts where you can choose their color. Their primary job is to help connect the arch wire and the bracket. They are a main player and do a lot of heavy lifting when it comes to straightening your teeth. As a result, they are typically tightened and switched out each time you visit our office. SPACERS: As the name suggests, these are essentially the “spacebar” button for your teeth — and occasionally they can take a bit of getting used to. Spacers go in between your individual teeth, allowing for the bands to be fit comfortably through. ORTHODONTIC BANDS: UNLIKE LIGATURE ELASTICS, these elastic bands don’t go on each individual tooth. Their job is to connect the arch wire to the brackets. If your teeth don’t require a lot of straightening, chances are you’ll never have to use them. In a nutshell, these are the basics of braces. There are a few additionally complicated components (that don’t apply to everyone) but these are the most common parts of braces.
By slowly encouraging your teeth to move into their correct position, braces work by continually putting pressure on your teeth. The arch wire predominantly puts most of the pressure on your teeth, while other parts (like the brackets) work to hold it in place. Your teeth are being supported and cushioned by the tissue of your gums, also known as your gingiva. Beneath your gums, you’ll find a Periodontal Membrane, which protects the lower half of your teeth. The two “prong-like” portions of your teeth are fittingly called the Alveolar Bones. While braces gently encourage your actual teeth to move, they additionally put pressure on the Periodontal Membrane. One side of this membrane will stretch out, creating space for the teeth to move. The bars and bands then push it from the other side, establishing enough space for the teeth to safely shift.
Bone Remodeling might sound a bit drastic and intimidating, but that’s exactly what braces do! They remodel your bone. And that’s a good thing because in the end, it actually strengthens your teeth. You get stronger each and every time you pump iron. The same principals are in effect with your teeth. Every time your teeth have to withstand the pressure being applied to them, they continue to get stronger. Ultimately, this pressure helps to create new types of cells, helping you with improved and better bone density. Most of this remodeling process is done by the arch wire itself — but the science behind it is intriguing. Working with wire you might know it can sometimes be tough to bend it in the way you want. Wire wants to keep straight, even in the mouth. Here’s the interesting science. The heat inside of your mouth, which is typically around 98 degrees, forces that wire to bend into the curved shape of your set of teeth. But it will still want to straighten. This back and forth creates pressure that ultimately moves your teeth into their new, accurate and healthy position.
Now that you have a clearer picture of what’s involved and you understand how braces work, together we can create a plan designed for your specific needs. Regardless of where you are in your smile journey, we want to help. We make it a focus to personalise attention and design a protocol just for you. Our friendly Supreme Dental Cranbourne dentists will answer your questions and concerns about teeth straightening and advise you on the various treatment options available. Contact us today at (03) 5995 3819.
When it comes to the matter of how to get healthy gums and teeth, prevention of problems is always better than cure. But the good news is that if you catch gum disease in its earliest stages there is a good chance your dentist can help you reverse it.
Healthy gums are essential for strong, healthy teeth. Gums keep the teeth in place, give you a solid bite and preserve facial harmony. But, due to different factors it is possible for gum health to be compromised. So what can affect the health of your gums? There are various factors that can interfere with gum health but in the majority of cases we find gum disease is caused by poor oral hygiene. Managing gum disease can be the difference between losing and keeping your teeth. Medical conditions Medical conditions such as diabetes or HIV/AIDS can weaken the gums and make them prone to infection. Previous trauma in the mouth can also affect gum health. Hormonal changes Hormonal changes, particularly in girls and women, can affect the health of the gums and make them susceptible to infections. Poor dental hygiene habits Not brushing along the gum line and not flossing regularly can allow plaque to build up on your gums. Over time this plaque develops into a calcified substance called tartar, which can only be removed by your dentist. The bacteria in your mouth will multiply and cause an infection.
The early stages of gum disease may not be noticeable but you may see some redness or swelling in your gums. They may also bleed a little when you floss or brush too vigorously and generally be a little sensitive. If you experience any of these symptoms it is important to see your dentist, to prevent the problem from developing further into periodontitis. Periodontitis is more advanced gum disease that affects the soft tissues and fibres in your mouth. When gum disease reaches this stage it is possible to stop the damage from spreading but not likely that your dentist can reverse the effects. Periodontitis is usually accompanied by pain but some people still do not get to the dentist before it has become advanced. When it advances, it affects the bone that holds the soft tissue and teeth and you could experience bone loss. Periodontitis may also cause your teeth to loosen in your mouth. When your teeth drift out of position and start moving you can expect to experience further bone loss. So how can you look after your gums and ensure they create a solid base for your teeth? Here are some top tips for healthy gums no matter your age: Floss every day Most dentists advocate flossing twice daily and we also think that’s a great idea but if you know you won’t do it day and night, just pick once a day and commit to it. Flossing once a day is better than not flossing at all. Brush twice a day Millions of bacteria breed in your mouth while you are asleep so it is important t clean your mouth before and after sleeping. Use a soft bristled toothbrush and make sure you hold it at a 45-degree angle between the teeth and the gum line so you can remove any plaque that is caught between them. Live a healthy lifestyle Avoiding food with lots of sugar and fizzy drinks can help you manage the amount of sugar your teeth are exposed to. Make sure you eat a diet rich in calcium and leafy green vegetables, to support the growth of strong healthy teeth and gums. Managing a healthy lifestyle will also make you stronger to deal with infections and can help you heal quicker should you end up developing one. Still have questions about gum health or need more tips for healthy gums? Our experts are here to help. Contact us for an appointment today: (03) 5995 3819.
Maybe it’s our fascination with selfies, maybe it’s just because it’s one of the most natural ways to enhance our beauty, but the bottom line is that we all just love white teeth and teeth whitening treatments are in high demand. Teeth whitening strips are one of the most reviewed products on the net and it’s easy to see why. Discolouration of the tooth enamel is actually a very normal aspect of the ageing process. Even with regular flossing and brushing, your teeth will lose their natural whiteness after years of exposure to tea, coffee, fizzy beverages and tobacco. Of course we all recognise that the state of our teeth really does influence how widely we’re prepared to smile, and our self confidence when we are dealing with the rest of the world. In recent years, treatments have seen a marked increase in popularity. Let’s take a look at the most popular methods of teeth whitening and how effective they could be for you.
Most toothpastes have abrasive particles in them and are designed to remove surface marks and stains. Brushing your teeth twice a day with whitening toothpaste could very well keep your teeth in good condition by removing the surface stains, in a cost-effective way. Of course the polishing agents in whitening toothpaste are not strong enough to remove stubborn marks and stains and cannot penetrate to the dentin of your teeth to remove internal stains. If you have had your teeth professionally bleached using a teeth whitening toothpaste is a very good maintenance strategy. There are plenty of brands on the market, and a product to suit every budget.
Typically used most often for at-home whitening and favoured because they are affordable, gels and whitening strips contain hydrogen peroxide to bleach the teeth. If you read a teeth whitening strips review you are likely to see very mixed feedback, as it is most effective for people who do not need to remove very dark or defined stains and marks. If your teeth were relatively white before the treatment, strips and gels may be strong enough for you. If you had intense or dark staining you may not be as impressed with your results or you may need to re-apply the product a few more times to get the results you want. Before you make your purchase, consult the web for some teeth whitening strips review by different people as you will want to research which is generally most effective.
The fastest-acting and safest teeth whitening procedure is an in-office bleaching treatment administered by your dental practitioner. Your dentist will have a stronger concentration hydrogen peroxide solution and will know how long to leave it on for, to give you the desired result. You will have the treatment under supervision too, so if anything does look like it could go wrong, your dentist will be able to respond appropriately. Your dentist will follow the necessary safety protocol to ensure that your gums and soft tissue is protected by the bleaching chemicals. Depending on your specific case, it may be necessary to return for a follow up but many patients report favourable results after only one treatment. Once you have had your teeth whitening treatment you will want to preserve the effects for as long as possible. If you can’t give up on caffeinated beverages, consider sipping through a straw, and quitting smoking. Ask your dentist to recommend a whitening toothpaste so you can remove surface stains as soon as they appear. Give our friendly dental team a call today for professional teeth whitening advice and the latest in whitening innovation: (03) 5995 3819.
Tooth decay is the leading dental problem in Australian children but thanks to the Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS), eligible children can receive preventative treatment and claim benefits. Regular check ups and early intervention is necessary to ensure your kids keep their teeth for a lifetime, and Medicare removed the financial barriers that prevent parents from seeking professional dental treatment. Let’s take a look at some of the most common questions about the Child Dental Benefits Schedule and how it can keep your child’s teeth and gums healthy.
Medicare makes certain child dental benefits available to eligible children between the ages of 2 and 17. These benefits are extended to families on the receiving end of other benefits and enable families to claim up to $1052 per child over two successive calendar years. Your kids dental benefit begins from the time he or she has the first dental treatment. If you do not reach your $1000 threshold in the first year, it will be carried over to the second year if your child is still eligible.
Routine check ups and cleaning is covered by the scheme, allowing parents and their kids to identify the early signs of dental decay and get treatment. Repairs to cracked teeth and fissure sealing, fillings and root canals for eligible children are also included. General x rays and extractions are also covered by the scheme.
The Child Dental Benefits Schedule excludes any treatments performed in a hospital. It also excludes orthodontic and cosmetic procedures. You will not be able to claim from the schedule if you have claimed for the treatment under your private health insurance. It is always a good idea to find out about any potential exclusions from your dentist before you start a treatment plan. Mention that you are claiming child benefits when you make your appointment and ask the dentist any questions you may have so you arrive knowing what to expect.
Studies indicate that at least one in four Australian children has untreated tooth decay. When left untreated tooth decay can result in tooth loss, but by maintaining regular dental check ups and treating any signs of decay early on, you can prevent further complications later on in life. Your dentist will remove any plaque or tartar build-up from your child’s teeth, and also coach him or her on good dental hygiene habits. Regular reminders are a great way to get your child to follow good oral hygiene practices early on.
You can choose to consult a public dental clinic or a private dentist. If you do opt for a public dental clinic, all services under the CDBS will be covered and you won’t have to pay out of pocket. If you choose a private dentist, you may need to settle the account and claim the money back. Need assistance understanding child dental benefits better or want to claim for your family? Contact us for an appointment today: (03) 5995 3819 ..
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